I might as well tell you all that I am a conservitive. One thing that has really been getting under my skin is the Bush bashing from the liberal media. Do you think that any of them can do any better of a job with what Bush was handed when he took office. First, he inherited an economy already heading into a resession and then the attacks on 9/11. Lets take a look at Iraq, for about 12 years we "America" set up sanctions and no fly zones etc... Now this was costing millions of dollars per year to maintain and Sadaam didn't disarm like he agreed to do at the end of the first war. So was Bush wrong for putting an end to Sadaam's BS? I should think not, Bush just put an end to 30 years of mass murder not to mention other things. Also lets not forget that the president does not send the country to war, Congress does. Your probably saying that Bush lied to congress about WMD, well he was going off intelligence information given to him by various intelligence agencies most of which had personell in place from the Clinton administration. So there you have it, the floor is open and I welcome your comments.